Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Plan in 2D ...

and season's greeting, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This will be my last post this year. I am off on holiday and I won't be able to work on my layout (nor do more blog updates) until the start of next year.

I have been working on a more detailed drawing to illustrate my plan. It has been a useful exercise, because:
1. It clears up how the plan will fit together, it has been rather fuzzy so far.
2. It brings up new ideas which I can explore on paper.

Note to my self: this plan is rather optimistic ambitious, but at least I have a goal which I will attempt to achieve ;)

So, here it is, the full 2D, full colour plan:

Edit: Fixed typos, and changed words. This is what happens when you try and write an entry whilst being half asleep :)

Posted by Andy at 12:21 AM  


  1. Artificial Science Says:

    Ambitious, yes, but exciting too! It could be done. I'm looking forward to seeing how you do it.

  2. Andy Says:

    Ambitious ... that's the word that I was looking for ;)

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